At last...a smarter way to sell real estate in Massachusetts. Boston Entry Only specialized in Massachusetts Flat Fee MLS helping For Sale by Owner (FSBO) sellers save thousands in commissions. List your property in your local MLS for a flat fee instead of committing to pay an agent 5%. Pay an agent who brings you a buyer 2% - 2.5% (you set). If you find a buyer, you don't pay any commission at all!
List on your local Boston Realtor MLS for a $299 flat fee!
For the low one-time MLS flat fee, you will get all these benefits:
List your For Sale by Owner property in your local MLS for 6 month.
Place maximum allowed photos in MLS (42)
Supply free state approved contracts, forms, and information material.
Standard and listing.
Cancel your listing anytime for any reason. No Fee!
Make unlimited changes to your For Sale by Owner listing (e.g. price, text, picture, status) free.
Listed on local real estate company websites. ( Zillow, Remax,,,, and many more.)
Why should I choose your company?
We are known for our outstanding customer support! We return your emails and calls within hours.
We have listed over 100's of properties helping savvy FSBO sellers saved thousands in unnecessary commission.
Your property will get listed in your local MLS the same day you order.
Deal directly with a MA flat fee listing broker. We are not a referral company. That's why our fee is so low.
We are open from 9AM - 9 PM. 7 days a week including holidays.
Why pay $599 when you can get listed in the same MLS here for half the price?